Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Update

Sorry for the gap in communication - shit happens, and continues to happen.
We're going through a hectic, confusing and difficult time right now. While the Mother-in-Law is doing better, she is not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination. I believe that she'll be fine in the long term, but she is having a really hard time of it so far.
The spring has arrived here in LA with a vengeance. Today, in an appropriate nod to warm sunshine and gentle breezes, was all about strolling on Santa Monica Blvd. Numerous folks strolling in t-shirts and shorts, the rhythmic click-clack of flip-flops, and the hint of sunscreen in the air.
I slept late, getting up around 3:00 PM. I went out last night to a rather scandalous dance party part of the LA Leather Weekend activities. A warehouse down by the railroad tracks and shipping companies south of downtown LA, the throb of a good DJ, the scent of sweat and leather, the throngs of semi-clad (and in some cases completely un-clad) men of all shapes, sizes, and fetishes. Raunchy and fun for sure.
There was a display of rope tying that was quite fascinating. An art form in it's own right, to be sure. There was also a level of physics which allowed the individual being tied to then be suspended 5 or so feet off the ground, perfectly balanced and supported.
Tomorrow we'll likely head over to Silverlake for the street fare, LA's version (albeit comparatively tame) of Folsom and Dore. A few beers and some strolling, more eye candy and flirting.
Pesach is coming. I need to clean and box up the hametz on Monday, as well as do laundry. It has kinda crept up on us this year, but we have managed to sort out a Seder for 1st night with classmates of the boy, which should be nice. Second night will be at Temple, with the community. Matzah for a week, and hopefully some new insight into life free from emotional and spiritual hametz - we'll see.
More annoyances of fraudulent card usages, this time my checkcard. All caught by the bank, but the resultant re-issuing of cards, filing of fraud claims etc. is really a bummer.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The 300

So, I went and saw it, and I loved it! So much so that I am currently plotting my return but to see it at an IMAX! I can't wait. It really is superbly made, and while the constant shouting of Leonidas - played by Gerard Butler - does get a bit much at times, but I generally thought the performances were great.
The costumes (and the quality of the visible skin) does perk one's interest! Bare chests, flowing robes, tiniest of tiny jock-like under-gear - in other words...WOOF! I have a hankering to buy a helmet and sword for Halloween. Even tho, as I was reminded, I will be in New Zealand for Halloween...
Went and saw "The Lives of Others", the German film that won Best Foreign film. It was grey, bleak, had a feeling of absolute hopelessness, and was at the same time enchanting. There were so many small questions that were never answered, but they fit in the story very well. Superb acting, for sure.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


It should be a peaceful morning of contemplation and contentment, but I started the day out with one of those calls we all dread from our Credit Card company. Fraudulent activity, bugger it. I hate those bastards!
So once I got over the initial shock of receiving the call, located my card, dealt with the officious woman on the other end of the phone line, wracked my brain to see if I did actually make the change, decided I did not, asked the necessary questions, got the rote answers and procedural pieces of the puzzle - after all that - I am just pissed off!
And all I wanted to do was have a nice day...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

How was your day?

Generally speaking, it was a good day. To be completely honest, it was kind of boring, and I admit I wished that I was instead working somewhere more intellectually stimulating. A place where people talked about their ideas. Instead of "American Idol", "Grey's" and "Lost".
I feel like I am drowning in a land of poor quality TV addicts. I never realized the sway television could have. We ditched the gobble-box about a year ago and I am so reminded that we did the right thing.
They watch such tripe. As a result, I get to suffer through a 12 hour day which usually commences with the eagerly asked queries; "did you see It?" I then get to hear all about the shows from their perspective. Tho it can be fun trying to deduce the story line from their conversation, without asking questions. For the most part, it is drivel.
Don't get me wrong; I enjoy my co-workers very much, they are a grand bunch of gals. Each of them has a heart that glints gold for all to see in the artificially lit halls where we ply our trade. I see incredible acts of compassion, and amazing courage. They daily guide people through the minefield of therapeutic choices.
I just wish they were a tad more interesting.
Another wish is that we were less joined at the hip to our computers on wheels - our "Cows".
I shit you not! That's what they are called.
I found out early on that I work in a community where cute acronyms can - and frequently do - rule the day. We eat them up like they are sugar covered nuts, or something. Which,as it happens, we are also apt to be doing.
I have been craving a change of scene. Just a slight diversion into the realm of a guiding thought, not the resultant action. A place where I can get into the why of it all, instead of the trivia of the world that swirls around us, oblivious to our existence.
I was paid a lovely compliment by a colleague, however. I had an educational conversation with a client couple recently, and - I was told - the way I had provided the information I had to impart, was of comfort and value to the couple I spoke to.
I now feel really good about the hour we spent together huddled at a computer screen, reviewing a PowerPoint. Gently, yet firmly, taking their hand and beginning the journey out of the initial shock of their child's diagnosis, and into the unfolding reality of what this now means to their family.
Good to know they heard me.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Here We Go Again?

As you will remember I try to stay out of American politics. It is a combination of not being sure what the hell is going on, and, I have to admit, a disgust with what I do understand of what is going on.
Take for example the recent Ann Coulter quotes about John Edwards making the media rounds. It is just so tawdry and undignified. I guess I just expect better of public figures, especially those who are attempting to influence us. This is how you get people to vote for your party?
What happened to dignity? What happened to statesmanship? What about being polite, for chrissake?
I am more and more convinced that the empire is crumbling before my very eyes...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Shabbat Shalom

It is a warm and sunny Saturday. The kind that - I guess - people living elsewhere envy those of us living in Southern California for. I've run a few errands; a walk to the Post Office to buy stamps, coffee at a street-side cafe, a long-distance chat with my friend Merav, Trader Joe's for a few staples (okay, so maybe bright yellow tulips aren't really "staples" per se...but...), and a manicure. The nails are hanging in there - wonder of wonders.
I am currently obsessed with the new Battlestar Galactica series. The first disc of the second season came, and I devoured it last night. Such good stuff. I have a tad of a crush on Starbuck. She is so awesome. If I had my pick of costumes for Purim, I'd go as her.
There is a really interesting and topical article in today's Los Angeles Times about concerns about binge drinking in the Orthodox community during Purim. It's a good read, if you are so inclined. I've always thought it was a little bit reckless to make being shiker a mitzvah.
I am reading from the megillah this evening, in English. I have the gory part - oh lucky me. It actually is pretty distasteful, if you ask me.
The Mother-in-Law is in Hospital. She was admitted for a scheduled procedure and there are now delays due to abnormal lab results. I'm sure she'll be fine, in the long run, but it isn't easy mean time. It is difficult "knowing" how Hospitals work, and being on the other side of the visiting hours. Hard not to tell the Nurses what they need to be doing. I don't want to be the kind of visitor I hate. Gulp!