Saturday, September 04, 2010

I never seem to find the time...

I say to myself "I need to get back to the blog" and "put this parenthood thing out there and see how if looks" online.
So, what better day that Fathers Day (well, at least here in New Zealand it is)? I have a bit of time while morning nap goes down, to set up my iTunes, pour a cup of hot spicy tea, and breathe a bit. So, here goes...
Had no idea how hard it would be: Not consistently hard, just now and then - usually when I am not feeling 100%, of course. Oh, and just to round out the stereotype; the "hard" stuff is the "stupid" stuff, too, of course. The "stuff" I wanted to be able to sail thru, too.
Had no idea what fun I'd have: I have a blast with him. Every day he does something that either makes my heart sing, or come close to wetting myself. He's such a little ham. Example: when he is getting ready for bed, trying to chill things down, bath-time is finishing up, it's time to get dressed in jamies. Hes had some rough skin on his arms, and I think it's a good practice in general, so we use organic lavender lotion for soft skin and sweet night-time dreams. He thinks it is "such the funniest thing" to take 3-5 fingertip-fulls and eat it, while giggling "yummy". He'll do it 'til he gets a smile or a giggle back...Oy!
Had no idea how unimportant unimportant things would become: Can't be bothered giving a toss about the trivial in life. Not saying that the small details in life aren't just as vital to human survival as tall, lofty ideas. But I just wish there were more tall, lofty ideas coming my way. So - and I feel this is a direct result - I have a general disdain for conservative politics, their adherents, and supporters.
Had no idea how tired I'd be: 'nuf said.
Had no idea how much I'd enjoy walking on the beach with a small boy: it simply is the best thing in the world. I am trying to take him as often as I can so that when we are back in the U.S. the "ideal beach" that would be the one imprinted first, was a N.Z. one. Sorry CA, not a huge fan. I have to feel safe that my kid can put his hand in the water and then in his mouth and only get a little salt in his water. Plus there is nothing more magic than the beachscapes here - particularly on the west coast of the north island. The plants, the bird life, the glisten of iron sands.
Had no idea how delightful his laugh would be: He cracks me up. It is so hard not to want to continually giving chase to him, or pushing him on swings "higher...higher", or playing tigers/lions/whatever-that-noise-is-supposed-to-be, Just to hear that laugh. Makes everything better, if you let it.
Not only is it Fathers Day here, it was also our 5th Wedding Anniversary yesterday. Sadly we didn't get the night we had hoped for (unexpected baby sitter issues), but it was lovely to sit, eat Indian food, and read our wedding album together. It was an awesome night, and it has been a pretty amazing 5 years, as well. We have done a heck of a lot of things with those whispered blessings, those shouted "Mazal Tovs", and the joy that being with everyone gave us. Best Wedding, Ever!
I'm incredibly proud of my Man. He's a pretty amazing guy, I'm telling you. A phenomenal husband, a devoted father, a fantastic friend. He does such truth in the world, and I am so lucky to be there alongside him.
This one is for him...


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