How Time Flys

We feel generally more together and more cohesive as a family. Something which no one ever tells you takes so much effort when you have a kid. Talk about a minefield of potential - and real - face plants!
Jacob is fifteen-and-a-half months old, and is still the happiest kid on the block. Joy seems to be not only his disposition, but his mission. We are daily amazed at just how much fun this kid has. Sure, he has his moments, I won't deny it, but on the whole, he loves life. I think we're doing a pretty good job.
Jacob and I have been flying solo this past week. The Boy is away for business in the U.S. We could have gone with, but I opted to stay here and go it alone. It's not easy, but neither is it a trial by fire. I'm pretty darned tired, but have come to terms with being on-call 24/7. We "upped" Jacobs daycare days to 3 days a week (vs. 2), and it has worked pretty well. We have also been out and about; trying new cafes, making use of our annual pass at the aquarium ("Fissies" are incredibly popular here), and we went to our first Rainbow Families play group too.
The play group is a G-d send. I had been lamenting having other queer parents around, as breaking into the straight play group scene has so far evaded us. I stumbled upon them in the LGBT community listings online, and soon made contact. The group meets during the week at a local play center. Huge play spaces, sand-pit, dress-ups, role-play areas, the works. There were maybe 10 other kids (6 or so families), ranging from just a few weeks old to right up to pre-primary school age. Bright, happy, engaged kids, with bright, happy, engaged parents. I've missed lesbians!
I've also started potting again. I had loved taking pottery classes in LA, and am enjoying getting my hands muddy again. I've also met some new people, and even got a sitter last night and went out with a group of fun folks from work to celebrate a couple of birthdays. It feels like I am getting my own life back, again.
Another five sleeps until The Boy comes home, I think we'll be okay, but it can't come fast enough.
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