Friday, October 05, 2007

Celebrate Good Times!

Generally, I go through life mad at the stupidity around me in the world, not unlike Miss Co-Co Peru. Ms Peru hates 'em with a pure anger and viciousness I envy her of. She allows herself to bellow at them all with all her heart. She is, or has been, pissed off with every-one, and every-thing.
Josh and Daniel e-mailed me about cheap tickets to see the opening night of Co-co's new show. A world premier, no less. She is the skinniest bitch I know, and I love how brazen she is. If I was a chick, that's the kind of chick I'd like to be, for maybe a day.
I did however, find myself agreeing with more than one or two of the "peeves" she talked about tonight. Litter, and the people who leave it. People who flick cigarette butts on the ground from their cars as they drive down Sunset Blvd, talking on their cell phones. Stupidly obnoxious people, and the numb-nuts things they say while they stand next to you at the baggage-claim carousel.
Consumerism, and the isolation it creates. The overwhelming trend of going through life oblivious. Treating the planet and other people with anything-but respect. Yet she allowed me to laugh through it all, with her. B'ruch Ha'Shem, I am not alone!
I was also "not alone" last night, at services for Simhat Torah. There is a phenomenal place, relatively new in Los Angeles. A minyan, a chavurah, a k'hilah. Simhat Torah to the maximum! I throw myself into the ecstatic prayer experience in this place, and it is an overwhelming experience.
My friend Merav would say "Me'ah achuz, Motek!" I amazed myself again last night, as I so frequently do at this place. I danced, sang, prayed, watched, was observed, and was filled with awe at this thing called Torah.
I shall have to sit with it some more, and blog about it another time. I even accepted an Aliyah. I pledge to open myself up to change, this year.


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