Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shanah tovah, u'metukah l'kulanu

This is probably one of the sweetest images that you get to see in Jerusalem - the old city especially. In parks all over the city I would steal glimpses of these kids, especially the little ones, so cute. Families living what strives to be a life of contentment and peace in community. I'm all about being part of community, and admire their outward dedication. Cute tzi-tzit, huh?

This year I tried something new on, per se. I purchased a Tzi-tzit katan - the undershirt with the fringes, and wore it as part of my all-white garb for Yom Kippur. I wanted to experience "wearing" the commandments for a day.

It was something different. Thee are one or two others at my schule who do the same, but I was certainly self conscious, and felt odd at times, particularly when I was sitting with other people. But at the times when I sat alone, and was able to - albeit briefly - have some personal prayer space it felt good. It felt right.

I'm not sure it would ever be a mitzvah I would take on in daily use, but perhaps for holy days and the shabbat it might be a valuable and enriching physical kavanah. We'll see.


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