Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Tide of Change

I only allow myself to observe American politics, not being a citizen has it's benefits. It feels so sullied with kick-backs and pork. The actual electoral system just confuses me too much, too. But there does seem to be the faint hint of change in the air.
Perhaps because, to an extent, I feel it in myself also. I feel myself about to emerge as a new being. Somewhat like the splitting of a cocoon, and the subsequent dazed fumblings of a newly winged grub. I didn't think there was actually any truth to the stories about turning 40, but I now have a sense of what it is that the stories relate to. It isn't as frenzied as they describe it - more of an opening of awareness to ones own adulthood. Realization of the place you occupy in the world, and that this is an age when one is really expected to have gotten it together.
Well, here's hoping.


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