Health scares in the family, busy work schedule, feeling a little at sea from time to time - but mainly because there is just a lot of stuff that needs to be taken care of.
This morning I tried to take it a little slower - concentrate on getting things done that needed to be.
Up at about 8:30 - not long after he left for the morning - and took myself to the walking-distance Farmers Market to get some fruit and vege. Apples are fresh and green right now - delightfully asymmetrical, and on the smaller side (compared to the grocery stores). It was fun picking thru the boxes and culling 6 nice ones, taking the time to notice the fruit individually.
I think this is actually the way we should relate to produce. They are all unique and individual - and if we choose merely to see them as "apples" or "celery" we miss the wonder of creation that they each are.
If we are more cognizant that this apple is indeed the fruit of the land, with tending and nurturing involved, them we are surely going to be more prone to use it wisely. No?
Then after he got home we went and ate lunch at the Abbey.
A beautifully sunny, quiet and relaxed Sunday morning. Perhaps the transition from daylight savings to regular time a factor in our approach.
Also to be basking in the warmth of the last few weeks of the summer, was really nice.
He went to the hospital to spend time with his Dad, and I came home and did some projects. Organizing and re-packing the closet space, and finding somewhere to put the new luggage I indulged in. Matching, easy to maneuver, all fitting one, inside the others.
Then out to hike at Runyon Cyn. Pushed myself to go further and more times "around" than I usually. As a result I actually broke a nice sweat, and feel like I got my cardio.
I noticed something really odd.
Tiny dogs have really become the new accessory. Right up there with the iPod Nano. What an absolute waste of time they all are. Absolutely tiny. I saw a miniature chiwawa, and a miniature Doberman - no, not a schnauser, a Doberman. What on earth for?
Is it because they only eat small amounts? I understand the love and affection bit - that I get, but it just seems like such a perverse manipulation of other species to create these useless - bar vanity - animals.
Now home and dinner together.