Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Think quick...

I hated those games. The ones where there was the necessity to act without hesitating; to evade being hit. The type of game that you were only ever able to win at if you developed an absolute absence of the fear of pain. Balls were, after all, coming at you from everywhere. I think it's called Dodge Ball here or something? I dunno?
Played like the kind of game that was in effect yet another battle for the men (once) of the villages. Perhaps, something to keep them active and "Battle Ready"? Part of the Colonial Rule mechanism? There were competitions and challenges, and everything!
In our 10 year old version; In the center of a square of kids, a team of four children stand. They are tight and pensive. They are to evade the incoming missile of a tennis ball being thrown at them. The balls are being thrown with the intent to inflict a blow that will likely smart as it disqualifies you. Tennis balls, as we all know, hurt damn it!
Then, once a year, at what could lovingly be called a "Super Dodge Ball" game, there stood a single child in the center of the square. A Champion. A Hero.
You get the idea - On Guard! Think, quick!
Today I had an amazing opportunity. That being; to sit in the room with a group of people who have a common goal. I just love it. There was a rather tragic booking glitch that had the end result be that our usual meeting room was given away. We usually have a nice large room for my extra-curricular work meeting, but today a conference bumped us into a tight little windowless room. It was a tad close for comfort, and after we adjusted to our environs, we did what had to be done.
Problem solving, chipping in, working together. It's great.
I've got quite a number of committees, and organizations that I support. Meetings are a regular part of my life, and more so of late.
It is probably why I relish our time together. Quiet time as it often is, but time together, none the less. I like how we feel like a couple of sleek, satin-black Panthers, basking together in the sun.


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