Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Recent Photos

This is Momo. He has been paying me late afternoon visits to get almonds and walnuts, which we just so happen to have on hand. He is quite a brave little thing, and ventures inside if I let him, and will take the nuts from my hand. It is a lot of fun to have nature come calling in the middle of the big city.

The tradition at our community is to unroll the entire sefer, and the Rabbi then walks around the room pointing out the highlights. As you can see, the whole kahal gently holds the parchment at the top, and at the bottom. It is quite an amazing experience to see the faces of my fellow congregants as they have this kind of contact with Holiness.

The community Sukkah - which I helped build - at night. It stood in the roof-top garden, Gan Shalom. We prayed together on the first morning of the Chag, which was quite an amazing experience. Then one night there was a committee dinner meeting I attended in the sukkah, which was just wonderful. Sukkot really is one of my favorite festivals.


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