We're Having a Baby - or - The Spending Continues...
Now don't go freaking out on me, but this was my purchase today. We are under six weeks out, this we actually need. We have to have one of these or they won't let us take Baby Bear home. I didn't have a whole lot of choice with regards colour, but this was better than the flowery one, believe me. I'd kinda liked the green, but they didn't have it in stock and weren't sure how long it would take, yada yada yada. So, this is what we got.
I kinda like it - bright, easy to spot in a crowd (or on a luggage carousel at the airport?). I got a discount, too - some promotion or other. I had the nice lady at "The Right Start" show me how it attached to the stroller we have, which helped my fears that it wouldn't (I know, I know, I fret about the wackiest stuff). I'd gone over to Babies-R-Us first but they only had it on their website, and I kinda needed the demo, so while it was a schlep from one side of the city to the other (kinda) it wasn't a bad day at all.
Just a word to all the baby retailers out there, as a soon to be Dad, you could all learn a thing from The Right Start. They are smart and informed (unlike the girl at "Babies-R-Us"), and you don't feel like a complete idiot being in there because you are a guy.
I kinda did the hit-and-run approach. They always wanna sell you something else. Okay, so I got the cup holder for our stroller, but I escaped without being talked into the night sky-scape night light. It is kinda cool, mind you. Maybe...
I rewarded myself for my shopping success with a movie (I was at the mall, after all) and saw Bill Maher's "Religulous". Bill doesn't have much time for religion, any religion, so this was a laugh a minute at the expense of us religious folk (mostly the Christians, Mormons, Scientologists, and the Muslims, but a bit at the Ultra-Orthodox Jews - but hey, they are funny). I loved it; he is a hoot, and there is so much truth in what he says. I didn't walk away any less committed, but it was reassuring to know that my faith isn't as entrenched as "those freaks".
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