Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh The Humanity

It is hard to escape the cold hard realities of the season, the election seems to be absolutely everywhere you turn. Here in California it is a particularly bitter battle with regards Prop 8, which would remove the rights of same sex couples to marry by amending the California Constitution. It is essentially an issue of separation of Church and State in my opinion. One would think that Americans would understand this issue better than anyone else because they fought a revolution - in part - to guarantee that separation, but it doesn't seem to be something that the religious right can wrap their heads around. It's nasty.
There is the plea that same sex marriage will poison children and dissolve the family. One ad talks about how same sex marriage will have to be taught to kids in schools as a valid option. Lots of fear mongering and mis-truths. Marriage isn't even part of the education curriculum in the State of California.
Millions of dollars are being poured into the campaign on both sides; just imagine what could be done with that money for the hungry and homeless. It is pitiful. Kids go without food as adults haggle over power and control.
It is the first time I have actually wished I was a U.S. citizen. It is difficult being on the sidelines this time.


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