Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally, An Update Post-Auckland...

It has been a week or so since I came back to the U.S. and so I think I can put some thoughts down, now that I have had time to digest. The reality of being back - with all that goes with my life here - is now well and truly in play.
It was wonderful to be us again. Easier than I thought it might be, and with a gentle calm (at least for me) that was a pleasant discovery. He was incredibly busy, but there was still some down time to relax together and re-connect.
It was a phenomenal High Holy Days with the community in Auckland. I have never felt so welcomed with open and friendly arms. The people are genuine, thoughtful, and kind. They have what I think a lot of communities wish they had; enthusiasm. They are enthusiastic for each other and they have a shared enthusiasm for the community. They are - from what I saw and heard - a group that enjoys each other and watches out for one another. There is a wonderful spirit of fellowship which I was so happy to find.

So many said lovely things to me about the baby, and about the Boy, who they now love as their own. I see he is having a great impact on so many of them, and seeking new ways for them to build an even more committed and connected community. He has started out by setting a great goal for the kids in the Hebrew school, a new way for them to live their values in the real world setting; A patch of sunny ground to the east of the temple building has now been transformed into a large garden plot. The kids will grow vegetables, which when ripe will be sent to the Auckland City Mission to feed the hungry in our city. It will show the kids ways to solve problems in a concrete way, which exemplifies the prophetic call to feed the hungry.

I took take part in a working bee on the Sunday before Sukkot, the day before I returned to the U.S. A huge pile of top soil was delivered to the lawn of the Temple, and a number of members and older Hebrew school kids moved the soil with shovels and wheelbarrows back into the newly built raised beds. It was a lot of fun, and hard work, too. It was a great way to be seen as the type of rabbinical spouse I want to be; one who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and not shy of "chipping in". It was just wonderful, to see, to do, to be a part of it.

I saw Mum and Dad and some of my sibs for a few days in New Plymouth. It was great, and we really had a good time, together. I got to play with the nephews and nieces, which was a ton of fun. My sister-in-law Steph is counting the days until her eldest goes off to primary school. He is impatient to be five, too.
I got to look around at Auckland, and to put some time in setting up the house; building dressers, dining room chairs, and sorting out the bookshelves too. I also got to do some set-up in the little yellow room at the top of the stairs which will be the baby's room. The stroller and dressing table are assembled, and the toy box awaits a coat of varnish and the arrival of the cot (which we will soon have). It was just lovely to find myself in the house I have been imagining my self in these past months. Even lovelier to find us there comfortable and happy.
Now of course, the hard part; the waiting. The distance too, and distraction of our lives here and there which has an effect cannot be helped, I guess. It is easy for me to feel despondent, even when we are so close to being on our way to our new life. I know it is so close...but still, it is so far. I'm trying to keep myself busy. There is actually a lot to be done.
I have a list of things I need to buy and borrow, and have been hunting for the best buys I can find, which is fun. Bottles, diapers, wipes, some clothing, and assorted supplies. It feels very real that soon there will be a baby in my/our life, and it feels really good to prepare for it.
We had an appointment with the OB today. It was great to see the surrogate and the baby (on ultrasound). All is going well. There had been some concern about occasional contractions, but the cervix is still nice and thick on ultrasound (5 cm). Still, it is highly likely that we will go into labour earlier than planned, just by the fact that this is pregnancy number 5. The baby is also a good size, estimated at 7 lbs, or so. While I would hate to have to be here alone, but it might mean we'd be able to leave sooner?
For now; breathe...breathe, wait, and see...


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