Looking Ahead - By Looking Back
Being able to take stock of the previous year is an amazing gift. By looking at the events of the year that we have just navigated - albeit falteringly - our way thru, is an opportunity to breathe with acceptance of who we really are.
I have made progress on some aspects of my personality, and not done so well in others. I have been more honest about some things, and have cloaked some even further into the darkness. I have sinned and I have resisted sin. I have hurt, and healed. Both others and myself.
Sunday evening I will stand before the throne in all it's glory to be judged. I believe that I am ready, and that I have made - and am making - an honest accounting.
I will stand at Kol Nidre, and I will beat my chest with each recitation of the Al Chet , and I will listen to the words as I say them, and honestly accept my guilt.
I pray for strength, humility, an open soul, and a easy fast. May I be counted among those will be written, and sealed, in the Book of Life. May the final T'ki'ah G'dolah blast permeate the very corners of my soul, and grant me healing, and Life.
I have made progress on some aspects of my personality, and not done so well in others. I have been more honest about some things, and have cloaked some even further into the darkness. I have sinned and I have resisted sin. I have hurt, and healed. Both others and myself.
Sunday evening I will stand before the throne in all it's glory to be judged. I believe that I am ready, and that I have made - and am making - an honest accounting.
I will stand at Kol Nidre, and I will beat my chest with each recitation of the Al Chet , and I will listen to the words as I say them, and honestly accept my guilt.
I pray for strength, humility, an open soul, and a easy fast. May I be counted among those will be written, and sealed, in the Book of Life. May the final T'ki'ah G'dolah blast permeate the very corners of my soul, and grant me healing, and Life.