Friday, February 13, 2009

"You've Got Love, Love, Love on Your Side"

Life has its ups and downs and throwing (or perhaps "gently placing" is more correct) a small child in the mix does rather change things. I've never been one to celebrate Valentines Day; seeing it for what it is; the single biggest "Hallmark" holiday there is, cloaked – as it is - in Catholic Saints day clothing.

However, last night my husband brought home something I never thought I'd be more thrilled to see; those yummy crunchy little heart candies with the cutesy hard to read messages on them. I suddenly realized horror of horrors; I was missing the U.S., and even to a certain extent the hullabaloo that is V. Day.

So, to everyone home in the U.S. I say this...It's not about bunches of roses and bottles of wine. It’s not about your having a husband, a wife, a boy or girlfriend (or even a f**k buddy), to share the overpriced dinner and flowers with the inflated price tag with. It's about the small hard to read candies, and the yummy chocolate objects we stuff into our mouths that make us realize that even when it feels like life is really hard and things are difficult Love Conquers All. The Romans were right!

So, I urge you to follow my example. Even though you might be wondering if you may have put the baby in the microwave and the dinner in the crib, and you now find yourself relying on your sense of smell to tell if something is clean or not, get out there and eat something small, crunchy, ganache-filled and yummy! Do it for me, do it for love.

(extra credit will be applied for those who can name the source of the tag line)


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