Sunday, November 23, 2008


Latest update on the baby; We saw our OB on Saturday morning. The cervix is "soft", but not yet dilating. We will continue with our previous plan and are looking at being admitted on Tuesday evening to start the process with a vaginally inserted agent and commencement of an IV infusion of Pitocin. All going to schedule delivery should happen in the mid-morning on Wednesday.
The Boy will arrive home at 10:30 AM on Monday, and so will be here in plenty of time for the fun and games. I am so incredibly glad that he is able to be here, and that his job were gracious enough to give an extra week the okay. It will really make all the difference to us.
While I am a little concerned at the connection of Pitocin and Autism it seems as if it is yet to be proved as a causative relationship. One article I read said that 60% of autism cases had been induced with Pitocin. Is this a real relationship? I don't know. I am inclined to think there there are many more factors which are likely - in combination - to contribute to Autism. Our goal is to minimize exposure, but there isn't a lot one can demand in this situation. Hopefully the vaginal agent - as well as the natural methods that the surrogate is using - will be enough to stimulate things, thereby limiting the dosage of "Pit" that has to be used.
I really like our OB. She is so excited for us all it really feels right and good. I feel safe and confident with her, and this makes all the difference.
Updates will follow as they come to hand...


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