Sunday, July 27, 2008

So, How are you filling your days?

In honesty, my days are not the problem. It's my evenings. My days are just the same; I still work full time, I still have my routines, chores and projects. My days - for the most part - are full.
I woke at around 6:30 AM today, and promptly turned over, rolling away from the alarm clocks green numeric face, and went back to sleep for another 90 minutes, or so. This Sunday was not unlike most Sundays. I went to the farmers market I frequent.
It is held on a quiet, almost hidden street which is only two or three blocks long. White square collapsible tents stand side by side under the bright sunlight. Access is blocked to cars and people reign supreme on the dark tar seal.
I strolled among the assorted crowd perusing the fruit, vege, olive oil, jewelery, and other "stuff". I bought two half-loaves of bread (regular sourdough & whole wheat sourdough), thick kidney-like heirloom tomatoes, mottled pulotes, sweet white peaches, and some Merlot-red cherries.
Strolling home I soaked up the sunshine and looked with somewhat envious eyes at the flowering gardens en route. I am very much looking forward to planting and tending gardens of our own in Auckland. Flowers, vege, and maybe some fruiting plants, too. It has taken almost numerous years, but I will finally have an opportunity to emulate my father and grandfather before and plant a garden of my own.
The rest of the day was quiet. Laundry, sorting thru drawers of sundry bits and pieces, throwing out yet more items that will no longer serve a purpose. It is good to purge. Really good.


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