Monday, July 07, 2008

yes...yes...I know...

I really can't explain away the delay in posting.

Maybe I was preoccupied with work, or other pressing matters. It's not like I wasn't thinking to myself that I should "write that down", or "spit that out" - I just didn't get to the point where I was able and enabled to a place of blogging.

However...all "great pauses" finish, eventually. So here I am, ready to actually write instead of posting a poached music video that is supposed to relay my emotions. I am actually devoting this evening to writing, instead of just thinking about writing.

I think it is safe to say it aloud here; We are expecting a child.

There, not that difficult, was it? Really?

Okay, maybe it was difficult to put the news out there to the world at large. The reality is I need to move beyond my horrible fears that I'll somehow jinx the whole thing by telling too many people. I'm not sure why I worry, but somehow I feel if I attract too much attention to my life I'll be hit and hit hard.

I'm sure it is the result of some deep-seated fear that I will loose everything that is important and good in my life if I show off - or skite - to the world. I am almost sure it is the result of Presbyterian theology, but there ya go...

Surrogacy - and all it's technical delights- is now something with which we are intimately versed. Contracts, agreements, relinquishment's and assumptions are now part of our vocabulary.

Soon, research into strollers, cribs, diapers and BPA-free bottles will be concrete instead of just a row of multiple Google tabs (truth be told; we went with the Bugaboo).

The Boy is there now. A week and a half (more-or-less). I'm missing him like crazy.

Warm and sunny weather here in LA - bleak and fugly in Auckland. I am both reveling in the weather I have, and tempering this with feeling a quiet trepidation for the weather I will (soon) acquire. He had sheets of rain and hail. How lucky is he? What I wouldn't do for a bloody-good rain storm, aye?

More and more my mind is focused on the Far-distant Land.


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