Saturday, July 19, 2008

L'hit-kadem - to be moved forward

Life of late has been a jumble of huge transitions and stepping stones.

"It's all good" we are constantly saying (well, I find myself saying it). As much, it seems, to reassure the person who asks, as to remind myself. People sense the enormity of what we are doing. Most people are excited; a few are horrified.

The reactions of my co-workers and work-associated friends have been wonderful. There is such delight for us that we are doing this. They are sad we are moving so far, but desperately want to come visit.

Then there are some people who are completely perplexed. It has been interesting receiving the different reactions, and even more interesting analyzing them. It has been an insight to how we are seen by those around us. Few really know how in truth, it will be "all good". It will be the most phenomenal "all good" ever seen.

Making a life together in New Zealand will be a phenomenal experience. Not without difficulties and muddled intrigues. But part of a wider plan that will move us closer to our goals, as we move closer to each other.

We are embarking - wisely or not - in stages. First one, then other (albeit for two weeks), then all of us. A brave and brand new world. A new life together. A distant and different land welcomes and awaits us. Far from what we have previously known together, yet closer to what - I believe - we have been craving to share. Both of us will reinvent and reshape our lives - and our relationship - in very dramatic ways.

Both choosing the changes, and responding to those that are thrust upon us. Re-navigating almost everything we do together. keeping what we want, discarding what we do not. Not unlike the clothing, objects and items we did not have wrapped and packed. Objects that will not be part of our narrative there.

It is truly a dream come true; we will parent together. It is as such a shared Jewish dream, as any other classification. It is also a shared act of faith. We have shared this dream and it's fruition will transform our souls. As an act of faith our becoming parents is a dream that flashed across our minds as we stood under the huppah at our wedding.

Now, almost three years later, we are making the flashed vision a reality, and moving it forward, just as it moves us forward.


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