Here I am in Sydney! I arrived on Tuesday, and have seen and done so much more than when Dean and I were here 4 years ago. Admittedly, Dean and I were here for something silly like 3 days and 1 of those was focused on Mardi Gras and the "celebrations". It is good to get a better idea of the city and what it has to offer the traveler.
I've been out and about on Oxford Street, which is a stones throw from my hotel, the Chelsea Guest House. Had a few beers with the boys, and watched the general goings on. The bars are loud and fun, and essentially pubs with regular Aussie blokes propping up the bar, cold schooners of beer in their hands. It is a different masculine model than the bars in the United States, for sure.
I even lived up to my promise to myself to try and find a yoga class to attend! I have been to a bikram yoga class twice thus far (and may get to again on Sunday). I have never sweat like that in my life - quite an amazing experience to have sweat literally pour our of every pore of my body. A great way to start a day of walking and site seeing, tho, I tell ya.
I've also had some time with my cousin Rebecca which has been lots of fun, too. We went snorkeling at Clovelly Beach (complete with a close encounter with a large blue-lipped groper!), had lunch at Bronte Beach, then drove to Bondi to view the first day of the annual Sculptures by the Sea exhibit (will upload some pics when I get home, for sure).
last night, after the afternoon with Becky I took myself to the Studio at the Sydney Opera house to see Kiki and Herb. Kiki is played by Justin Bond of "Shortbus" fame. It is an incredible show - the most memorable piece was when Kiki had us singing along with her during the chorus of "Cunts Run The World". Stunning!
Today it rained. I am kinda annoyed, because today had been designated "beach day" - and well, that wasn't gonna happen. After yoga I got my hair cut by a goovey Greek lesbian with one of those piercings across the bridge of her nose. It set me back a stunning AUD40, but as she styled my goatee and trimmed up all the wispy-bits I guess I can't complain.
I then walked into town (I've been walking everywhere!), and took in a few museums, including the Powerhouse which had a great exhibit on Princess Diana. Including the wedding dress, lots of her dresses, and shoes - as well as the draft of her brothers eulogy, and Elton & Bernie's signed manuscript of "Candle in the Wind". Ah...poor lass.
I had sushi (moderately good - but cheap AUD29) for dinner, and then took the train home from Town Hall to Kings Cross, stopping en route for coffee and cake at an italian bakery - yum!
"Home" now, and taking it easy tonite, watch some T.V., read some, and catch up with e-mail et al. Tomorrow walk to services at Temple Emanuel of Woollara, before a piano concert at the Opera House, and then the evening with Rebecca and Jeff.
Pray for sunshine Sunday - I want to go to the beach!