Monday, September 12, 2005

And then he kissed me...

I guess the inevitable is taking place - the vivid frame by frame is now slowly melding into a blur of emotions and memories.

Beneath the Huppah it was as if there was no other existence. Time moved so slowly - or so it felt - that I was sure we had been standing there with Rabbi Denise much longer than the 20 minutes it actually was. It was such an intimate experience, shared between the three of us and G-d. I lost all sense of the ka'hal, and all the creation that existed was under that four corners of fabric.

We spent the time pretty much locked on one another - seeing deeply into each other. Seeing past, present and future merge and become one. Watching the mist of emotion wash over our faces, feeling the layers of love falling on us like a warm, silent rain.

U'lai gam hu ya'vo - k'she hu'ya'vo, yered alienu, k'mo geshem

I felt the presence of past generations, from far in the distant past they came and stood with us. Ancestors - both real and spiritual - standing around us in loving support. Witnesses to our commitment, our love, our vow.

Ha'ray, atah me'kudesh li, ba'taba'at zo - lifnai elohim v'adam, u'v'ruach emainu

Behold indeed - for you are made sacred to me, and I to you, by this ring, before the earthly and that which is beyond the earth, and in the spiritual intention of our people.


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